
Brain Power in the Service of Hellenism
Progress Report 2008-2010
For the first time ever in the history of Hellenism in America, a sustained effort has been undertaken, in order to mobilize the Brain Power within the Greek-American Community and to organize a powerful Think-Tank, in the process. For this purpose, we have targeted the University Professors, the Professionals, and University and College Students. We believe that our relatively small Ethnic Community in order to be effective on issues of concern (within this sophisticated society), it needs a large group of people who are, highly intelligent, well organized and astute politically, and who command a high level of financial and intellectual resources, in pursuing our aims.
Thus, DEMOKRITOS SOCIETY OF AMERICA (DSA), was created in the United States, in 1998, with Headquarters in ALAMO, California as a non-profit, &501(c)(3) Corporation, which developed quickly into a veritable HELLENIC-AMERICAN THINK-TANK and is considered to be of great Strategic Significance to Hellenism.
The objectives of DSA are the following:
- To foster, promote and advance the Hellenic Cultural Heritage in America.
- To vigorously promote Philhellenism and to strongly cultivate understanding and support for the vital issues and rightful positions of concern to Hellenism.
- To strongly support Democracy, International Peace, the Rule of Law, Human Rights and the respect for International Treaties, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean region and to work against prejudice, discrimination and racism of any kind.
- To establish the sizable core of well qualified supporters of this Society, as the Hellenic-American Think-Tank. This mechanism will marshal Scholarly and Academic talent, to pursue Research and Publication of the facts about events and to rectify inaccuracies, concerning International issues in East Mediterranean, so as to promote the interests of the United States and its allies in that part of the world.
- To promote respect for the laws and the Constitution of the United States of America and to encourage the exercising of civic duties.
Membership in DSA will be actively recruited by the Board and is limited to people with the following qualifications:
- Have obtained at least a four-year College or University or hold a Masters or Ph.D. or a Professional, Degree, (M.D., D.D.S., Law, Engineering, MBA, etc.) or they are Graduate Students working towards a M.Sc., M.B.A. or Ph.D. degree, in the United States.
- They are members of Faculties or of the Administration of Accredited Colleges, Universities or Professional Schools in the United States (active or emeritus) or they hold Staff or other administrative positions at prominent Institutions (e.g. N.I.H., Carnegie Endowment and others), or they are Publishers or members of Editorial Staffs of Hellenic-American Newspapers and Journals, or are Journalists, accredited to TV and Radio stations or they are established in Business in the United States.
- Espouse the objectives of the Society.
- Are of Hellenic origin or have demonstrated to be philhellenes.
- Associate Membership is granted by the Board to Students who are enrolled in an accredited College or University and are actively working towards obtaining a four-year College degree.
- Prominent individuals residing within or outside the United States and who might offer exceptional services to the Society, may be granted Honorary membership by the Board.
IN SUMMARY : Demokritos Society of America (DSA) is a HELLENIC-AMERICAN THINK-TANK, which will pursue Cultural and Educational activities, as well as Research and publications, on issues of concern to Hellenism, especially those related to the Rule of Law and Human Rights in East Mediterranean. Such publications will appear in reputable American periodicals, main stream Newspapers and as inserts in FOREIGN AFFAIRS. DSA, in its role as an intellectual powerhouse, has taken a page from the book(s) of other successful minorities, seeking as members individuals with social standing and technical skill in the intellectual arena. DSA intends to bring Brain Power to bear, on behalf of Hellenism. There is a dedicated Board of Directors, a stellar ADVISORY BOARD and a superb Legal Counsel. We plan the publication of a Quarterly Bulletin which will eventually evolve into a quarterly Journal.
Contributions to DSA are tax-deductible.
Mailing Address:
2443 FAIR OAKS BLVD #170
SACRAMENTO, CA 95825-7684
For any questions please contact Chairperson of the Board / President Stathis Papanicolaou at (206) 714-8074 or DemokritosPresident@gmail.com
This article in Greek: (ΕΓΚΕΦΑΛIΚΗ