
Welcome: An Introduction
Demokritos Society of America (DSA) is a Think-Tank of University Professors, Graduate Students, Professionals, prominent Executives and Researchers in the United States and Canada. We work in support of Human Rights, the Rule of Law, the Democratic Imperative, and the respect for International Treaties, and we are in opposition to any kind of Prejudice, Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Racism. Additionally, we pursue research on the International Migration Crisis, and in Demography specifically regarding to Low Fertility Countries, with focus on the Republic of Greece, and in contrast, to the higher fertility areas of the Middle East and North Africa. We also pursue studies on the related pivotal issue of Traffic Safety, and its detrimental effects on the low fertility Nations due to the heavy burden of deaths and disabilities that they can ill afford. Furthermore, we maintain a keen interest on Community service by Mentoring College and Graduate students and especially those who aspire to pursue studies in the Health Sciences and seek admission to Medical, Veterinary, Dental and Pharmacy Schools in an attempt to boost their upward mobility, within American Society.
Furthermore, DSA is dedicated to fostering of Phil Hellenism in America, coupled with strong support to the rightful causes of Hellenism in Eastern Mediterranean, such as: the Homeland Security of the Republic of Greece, the Issue of Cyprus, the Aegean and the Orthodox Patriarchate in Istanbul (Constantinople) in such a manner and scope as to promote the Interests of the United States and its allies in that part of the World.
Finally, we shall endeavor to unite all significant Hellenic-American Organizations under one leadership structure to be named: CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS which will represent very effectively the majority of our Community. Thus, in its role as a multidisciplinary intellectual group, DSA has taken a page form the book of other successful Think-Tanks and seeks as members experienced individuals with high standing and technical skills in the intellectual arena. Moreover, we seek those who command a high level of financial resources in order to help us in achieving our aims. We intend to bring Brainpower to bear on behalf of our stated goals and in support of the rightful causes of Hellenism. DSA is supported by dues and contributions of its members and others. Contributions by those interested in our work as a Non-Profit & 503(c)(3) Organization can contribute independently in support of our causes. (Demokritos Society of America, PO Box: 2247, Walnut Creek, CA 94595).
Contributions to DSA are tax-deductible.
Mailing Address:
2443 FAIR OAKS BLVD #170
SACRAMENTO, CA 95825-7684
For any questions please contact Chairperson of the Board / President Stathis Papanicolaou at (206) 714-8074 or DemokritosPresident@gmail.com.