
by Michael C. Geokas, M.D., Ph.D. and Stathis Papanicolaou, M.Sc.

In the morning of April 17, 2000 Congressman Tom Campbell and his wife Suzanne arrived in Athens for a three day visit, enriched with a busy program developed partially by the Demokritos Society of America, in cooperation with Mr. Campell's Office, the Greek Embassy in Washington D.C. and the American Embassy in Athens, especially with its capable control Officer Mr. Alex Tounger. The Campbells were met at the Athens airport by a sizable and enthusiastic reception group, including a young student, Miss Katerina Papaevangelou, who handed Suzanne Campbell a lovely bouquet of roses, as an expression of our thanks for their warm feelings towards the Greeks and their strong support for the rightful causes of Hellenism. In the afternoon, the Congressman and Suzanne Campbell and their group, received the customary briefing from the American Ambassador, Mr. Nicholas Burns at his official residence. In the evening members of the Demokritos Society of America, hosted a testimonial dinner for him and his wife, in the company of a newly elected deputy of the Greek Parliament, as well as members of the Armenian Community in Athens.

On Tuesday, April 18th, Mr. Campbell accompanied by his wife and members of Demokritos Society of America, met with Mayor Dimitris Avramopoulos at the Athens City Hall, for a review of various issues concerning the city of Athens and certain aspects of American foreign policy. At noon, Mr. Campbell and his group met with the president of the Greek Parliament, Mr. Apostolos Kaklamanis, who provided an overview of recent events in Greece and emphasized the long-standing bonds of friendship between the people of Greece and the United States. Following the meeting with the president of the Parliament, Mr. Campbell, Suzanne Campbell and one of us (Dr. M. Geokas) were received at the Presidential Palace, by the President of the Republic of Greece, Mr. Kostis Stephanopoulos, who spoke through a translator and provided his views about the pivotal current issues concerning Greece, such as Cyprus and the Aegean, as well as other disputes with the Republic of Turkey, and discussed the advisability of referring them to the International Court of Justice at the Hague. In turn, Mr. Campbell commented eloquently on some of the problems discussed by the President, in a manner, which demonstrated both, a good grasp on the relevant information and his pragmatic and favorable attitude towards the Greek positions on the issues. The American Ambassador to Greece, the Greek Ambassador to the United States, as well as the Director of the North America Department, at the Greek Foreign Ministry, Ambassador Stathis Lozos, and Ambassador Elianos from the President's office, were present at this meeting.

Subsequently, a luncheon for Mr. Campbell's group, was hosted by Ambassador Lozos in a spacious hall at the Foreign Ministry, with the participation of senior Greek diplomats, the Greek Ambassador to the United States, Mr. Alexandros Filon and Marialena Conalis-Kontou Chief of Staff, for the Greek Foreign Minister, Mr. George Papandreou. After the luncheon Congressman Campbell and his group, and Ambassador Nicholas Burns, met with the Minister for Public Order Mr. Michalis Chrysochoidis who presented a comprehensive overview of certain key issues, on security and public order, which are of great mutual concern to America and to Greece.

Mr. Campbell and his group were honored at a reception by Republicans Abroad at the home of their President Mrs. Katerina Papathanasiou. On Tuesday evening, at 6:00-8:00 p.m., Mr. Campbell delivered a lecture to invited members of the Athens society, at the auditorium of the War Museum, concerning his personal views in regard to an enlightened American Foreign Policy. Following his stimulating and informative lecture, Mr. Campbell eagerly solicited and answered questions from a delighted crowd, due to the mere fact that this was the first time ever, that an American elected Official communicated directly with, and answered questions, submitted by an overtly fascinated Athenian audience.

On Wednesday, the 19th, Mr. Campbell had an interview with Nancy Biska of the satellite TV Station Antenna, concerning his visit, and met also with a newly re-elected member of the Greek Parliament Mrs. Dora Bakogianni. Furthermore, Mr. Campbell, his wife Suzanne and their group visited the Acropolis for a pilgrimage to the Parthenon and its impressive Museum. Eleni Bistika and a photographer from the noted daily newspaper Kathimerini, recorded the splendid event of the Campbell's visit to Acropolis. In a moving display of deep respect for the wonder of the Parthenon and its meaning for Western civilization, the highly educated Congressman recited the Oath of his devotion, to the speedy return of the Parthenon Marbles from the London Museum, and then, in a drizzling rain, he read with intensity and conviction his prepared remarks, from the steps of the Parthenon. Due to the fact that this was the high point of Mr. Campbell's visit to Athens and because his scintillating remarks, will most certainly make all Greeks and Greek-Americans proud of their heritage, they will be recorded entirely, in this report. Congressman Campbell's Parthenon remarks were as follows:

"We have found it magnificent, to visit the Acropolis and especially Parthenon today. This brings to mind Pericles of Athens, Phidias and the other distinguished Greeks, who are associated forever in history, with this project. But above everything else, this brilliant accomplishment is a vivid testimony of the power of the democratic system of governance, that was born in the City-State of Athens. Today, in the start of the 21st Century, we recognize that the entire Western Civilization is largely based on the achievements of the Greeks. The first Constitution in human history was drafted here, in this City, the last 10 years of 500 B. C. and was refined 50 years later by Pericles of Athens.

The ingredients of Democracy include liberty of the individual, equality before the law, the right to vote, the right to speak, and the right to hold office. Democratic governance and economic freedom are linked, and together constitute the most efficient system of producing prosperity in world history. The development of the Democratic System of Government is considered as the greatest achievement of the Greeks. What started here as the world's first Democracy has now spread all over the modern world. The recent report from Freedom House in America, a non-partisan group that monitors political and civil rights around the globe, has chronicled the rise of Democracy in the 20th Century. In this Century Democracy was extended to 62% of the world's nations, which represent 58.2% of the World population. This means that about 3.5 billion people or six in ten, live today under democratic rule. When I was born in 1952, fewer than 30 nations had real democratic government. Over the last 50 years, 100 countries became democratic.

This is truly astonishing. The new Greek nation, which was born in 1830 after the war of liberation, has maintained democratic rule for 140, out of 170 years of its existence. We congratulate Greece in its modern as well as its ancient history. Let me close with a modern reference. The fall of communism has insured the spread of Democracy in its place. The first battle in the Cold War, was fought and won right here in Greece. Not everyone around the World today is free- not everyone today enjoys the Democracy of Greece or of America. In this regard Greece leads by example, from the founding of the system of self-rule 2500 years ago, to the most recent example of democratic governance, in the elections of a week ago. The Parthenon, temple of the ancient goddess of wisdom, stands today, as a symbol for democracy-and like the democracy of the world-it is incomplete. It is my hope, that in the very near future, and certainly no later than the celebration of the Olympic Games of 2004, the Parthenon will be complete- and the roster of democratic governments in the world, complete as well. So-for the sake of this symbol of democracy, and the hope of so many people in the world yet to be free, I join many in the United States Congress and in democracies around the world, to call for restoration of the marbles to the Parthenon. TA MARMARA PREPI NA YIRISOUN STHN ELLADA. SAS EFCHARISTO."

EPILOGUE: Congressman Tom Campbell and his wife Suzanne are both Philhellenes of the first order. This is a distinguished member of the House of Representatives and valued member of its International Affairs Committee. A Republican, he is only 47 years old and yet he is considered to be an intellectual powerhouse. He received his J. D. degree from Harvard and a M. Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Economics from the University of Chicago, the hotbed of Nobel Laureates in Economics, in the United States. Tom Campbell is a Professor of Law at Stanford University and has already had a distinguished career as a legislator in Sacramento and the US Congress. This is a highly ethical man, with an amicable personality and an easy smile, who inspires confidence and elicits cooperation from all people around him. Tom Campbell is polite and approachable, possesses a strongly analytical mind and seems to fulfill magnificently the requirements of the famous Chinese proverb: "The taller the Bamboo it gets, the easier it bends." He is also blessed with an extremely attractive, affable and brilliant wife, Suzanne Campbell, who has carved her own career, with a M. Sc. degree in International Relations from George Washington University and works at UC, Berkeley, specializing in their joined venture to form a business School with St. Petersburg University in Russia.

Above all, Tom Campbell is a staunch supporter of human rights, of the rule of law and of international treaties, which are indispensable for peace and prosperity for all nations and has demonstrated a powerful belief and adherence to democratic principles. He is an outstanding Philhellene and with Suzanne at his side, acquired instant popularity, among all the people he came into contact with in Athens. This man is sincere and means business, and has already co-sponsored Congressman Donald Payne's of N. J., Concurrent Resolution 294, on March 28, 2000, expressing the sense of the Congress that the Parthenon Marbles should be returned to Greece. Tom Campbell's speeches at the War Museum, at the American Embassy testimonial dinner and his remarks from the steps of Parthenon, were replete with accolades for the Greeks and their contributions to humanity.

As I said (Dr. Geokas) at my American Embassy dinner speech, the Greeks should promptly adopt this man of wisdom, of exceptional talent and of great promise for the future, as one of their sons. We believe that Mr. Tom Campbell, as a Philhellene, deserves the affection and lasting friendship of Greek-Americans. In the evening of April 19th, the Campbells left Athens for a four day visit to the Republic of Cyprus, for an on the spot evaluation of the partially and illegally occupied island. Subsequently, they will return to Greece for a few days relaxation in Santorini. Strong tangible evidence indicates to us, that Tom and Suzanne Campbell, are already "hooked on Greece and its people." And that is the way it was, with the Campbells in Athens, in April 17,18 and 19, the year 2000. Finally, it is now abundantly clear, that the Demokritos Society of America, has made a hit, by bringing Congressman Tom Campbell and his wife Suzanne to Greece, for a respectful and emotional pilgrimage, to the birthplace of Democracy and avowed Center of Hellenism.


April 23, 2000


Michael C. Geokas, M. D., Ph.D.*
(Em) Professor of Medicine and
Biological Chemistry, University
of California, Davis, School of
Medicine, Davis CA

Stathis Papanicolaou, M.Sc.**
Regional Director, Industrial
Cooperation Programs, Materiel
Division-Commercial Airplanes
Boeing Company, Seattle WA

Tel: 925\946-0180

FAX: 925\946-1987




*/** They are President and Member, respectively, of the Demokritos Society of America,

A Think-Tank, which is dedicated to issues of Hellenism.