by Michael C. Geokas, Stathis Papanicolaou, Chuck Kidder and W. P. (Bill) Carlson
It has become obvious for many years, that the people of Greece have been caught into a relentless trap of lethal motor vehicle crashes, which occur routinely in their nation's freeways and secondary roads. This phenomenon, produces an unprecedented number of deaths and injuries, the second highest within the European Union. Thus, within only four days (8/11/2000 to 8/15/2000) there were 49 fatalities and 458 injuries (95 serious), most of them on secondary roads. As usual, they were mainly attributed to inattention and to aggressive driving. It is now well known, that the Greek Government, and especially the key ministries of Public Order and Transportation have made strong and persistent efforts, in order to subdue this intractable scourge of death and disability. Needless to say, that the terrible cost, of people's lives and disabilities (with those 18 to 29 years old accounting for 37% of victims), as well as the burden, on the nation's Health Care System and on the Economy, have been enormous. Moreover, for a Demographically weak country of 10 million, with a Total Fertility Rate of only 1.3 (2.1 being the replacement level), and with 2,171 traffic deaths and 32,351 injuries in 1999 alone, it would appear, that the Greeks are "burning their candle from both sides." Thus, we consider such a high rate of fatalities and injuries to be unacceptable, and incompatible, with the strict Traffic Safety standards in modern societies. This will not stand and draconian countermeasures are needed.
Frankly speaking, this is a national emergency for the Greeks and their Government and at this point, despite an abundance of native talent, additional expertise on Traffic Safety from outside, might be extremely beneficial and even crucial. Thus, we believe that the outstanding dexterity of California Highway Patrol (CHP), coupled with scientific talent from one of America's famous Transportation Institutes (Texas Transportation Institute and A & M University System) could contribute considerably in solving the Gordian-knot of excessive deaths and injuries, in Greece's primary and secondary roads. And this is where the Think-Tank of the Demokritos Society of America (headquartered in Alamo, California)* came in with dispatch, and sprang into action, after the high numbers of dead and injured in Greece (50 and 480 respectively), during this year's Easter Holidays. In short, the Think-Tank went quickly into overdrive. With the invaluable assistance of our distinguished Assemblyman Lou Papan, the Highway Patrol Commissioner, Mr. Dwight (Spike) Helmick, Jr. was conducted and Greece's Problem was thoroughly discussed with the top brass of CHP, at its Sacramento Headquarters. The genuine interest and palpable enthusiasm of the CHP Officials was indeed catalytic and was communicated to the American Ambassador in Athens, Mr. Nicholas Burns (an enthusiastic supporter of our effort) and to the energetic Ministers of Public Order, Mr. Michalis Chysochoidis and of Transportation Mr. Christos Verelis, who in turn signaled their genuine interest on our project. Thus, we have developed a high power Task-Force of 11 top experts, covering many key aspects of the problem at hand: Driver Education, Law Enforcement, Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Traffic Safety, Traffic Engineering, Urban Traffic problems, Project Management, High Quality Emergency Trauma Care, Department of Motor Vehicles Issues (DMV) and Road Construction Engineering. It should be stated, that all Task-Force members are Volunteers without compensation for their time and expert contribution.
The Greek Government will pay for Air Travel, Lodging, Food, Telephone Communication and Travel within Greece for road network inspection. The visit to Greece is slated for November 5 to 17, 2000 and will include a meticulous program of intensive study, in close cooperation with a local Task-Force of Experts, and with officials of the relevant Ministries, including two key individuals, the Director of Highway Patrol in Greece, Mr. Nikiforos Tzatzakis and the personal advisor to the Minister of Transportation Mr. Dionisios Kalatzis. The Task-Force will prepare a Report with Recommendations for immediate action, and will also delineate a Five (5) Year Program of subsequent activity, to include: Periodic Follow up visits to Greece, Advanced Technology Transfer and Expert Consultations, Graduate and Post-Graduate Training of English-speaking Greek Highway Patrol Officers, at the California Highway Patrol Academy and other issues.
SUMMARY: For the first time in history a Greek-American Think-Tank has organized a special Task-Force of experts on Traffic Safety from the distant California (nine time zones difference) which will go to Greece to work voluntarily on behalf of its Government and its people, on such a crucial issue of life and death. California, with threefold the population and size of the Greek Republic has 23.2 million registered vehicles; 20.7 million licensed drivers; 170,598 total miles of roadway and efficient Law Enforcement by its Highway Patrol (CHP); strictly applied rules of the road; 66 Centers for training Motorcycle Drivers; the strictest law for Driving under the Influence of alcohol (DUI); and an excellent Highway Patrol Academy to boot. California is tops among the 50 States of the Union and everybody else is trying to copy our system of control and supervision of vehicular traffic.
The Task-Force includes the Deputy Highway Patrol Commissioner of California and former Director of the Highway Patrol Academy, as Chairman, and also academic talent from a prominent Transportation Institute. Research and data collection from the Greek Highway Patrol establishment and the National Statistical Service has already started. We have also obtained written descriptions of the vagaries of Traffic Safety in Greece, from many astute individuals who have recently traveled and driven in the country's roadways. The work of our Task-Force will be laborious and very difficult indeed, due to the dire need for drastic modification of culturally embedded terrible driving habits of many Greeks (Aggressive Driving, Speeding, passing and violating the right of way) and the perpetually increasing number of motor vehicles on an inadequate road network.
However, with our rich experience, the ruthless application of modern rules of traffic control and with our "Can Do" attitude, we intend to prepare a sophisticated Report with original and innovative recommendations, aimed at protecting the native population, the millions of Tourists visiting every year and the huge crowds of athletes and fans which will descend on Greece for the 2004 Olympic Games. Finally the Task-Force Report could become an emblem for a spontaneous general mobilization against the asphalt genocide. At this point the Greeks need the help of California like the Sahara needs the rain.
Task-Force Membership is as Follows:
Michael C. Geokas, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.
(Em) Professor of Medicine and
Biological Chemistry, UC, Davis School
W. P. (Bill) Carlson
Deputy Commissioner Highway Patrol
and Former Director Highway Patrol
Academy, State of California, CHAIRMAN
Captain (Ret) Chuck Kidder
Highway Patrol State of California
Stathis Papanicolaou, M.Sc.
Economist, Executive Boeing Corporation
Seattle, Washington, PROGRAM MANAGER
Professor Lindsay I. Griffin III, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist, Safety and Structural Systems Division
Texas Transportation Institute (TTI)
William R. McCasland, B.S., M.Sc.(Civil Eng.)
Senior Research Engineer, Traffic Operations Division
Texas Transportation Institute, A and M University System
Cezar M. Ursic, M.D.
Director, Trauma Center, Highland General Hospital
University of California Davis School of Medicine
Chief Garand Gruber
California Highway Patrol, Executive
California Department of Motor Vehicles
King K. Mak, B.Sc., M.S. (Op. Res.), M.S. (Civil Eng.)
(Em) Senior Research Engineer
Texas Transportation Institute (TTI), A & M University System
Dallas N. Little, B.S.C.E., M.S., Ph.D.
Herbert D. Keheler Professor
Civil Engineering Department and Senior Research Fellow
Texas Transportation Institute
Michael C. Geokas, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.
106 Castle Crest Road
Alamo, CA 94507
Tel: 925\946-0180
FAX: 925\946-1987
E-Mail: geokas@ix.netcom.com
WEB: www.demokritos.org
*/ Demokritos Society of America is a Think-Tank, working on issues of Hellenism.