The Deep Roots
of the Friendship BETWEEN
T. Jefferson-A. Koraes
at the Time of
the Greek War of Independence
Petrakis, PhD
(This article appeared
in the New York National Herald, October 15, 2005.
Petrakis holds a PhD in Physical Chemistry from the University of California,
Berkeley. He has taught in
several universities in the US and Europe, worked in the private sector, and
for ten years he was at the Brookhaven National Laboratory he served as Senior
Scientist and Department Chairman leading a department of over 150 PhD’s in
research in Energy and the Environment. He has authored or edited six books and
over 150 scientific research papers in peer-reviewed journals.)
In the recent past there have been issues that have strained
the great friendship between the two close and traditional allies –the USA
and Greece. The
most vexing problem has been that Henry Kissinger did not stop the invasion of Cyprus
by Turkey, and
the US has not
restrained Turkey’s
continuing aggressiveness in the Aegean, even as she
seeks to gain entry into the European Union. But, following the 2004 Athens
Olympics that were held with exemplary dignity and safety, an example to future
host countries, there has been a continuing reaffirmation of that friendship,
which has deep roots to the beginnings of both countries.
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd President of the USA
and the author of the Declaration of Independence, was intimately familiar with
classical Greek ideals and culture, which played an important role along with
the ideals of the Enlightenment in formulating the principles on which the American
Republic was founded. In fact,
Thomas Jefferson was fluent in classical Greek, and prided himself that he
could read the classics in the original. In 1800 Jefferson
wrote to the famous chemist Dr. Joseph Priestley: “I enjoy Homer in his own
language infinitely beyond Pope’s translation…. and I thank on my knees Him who
directed my early education for having put into my possession this rich source
of delight.”
Jefferson, prior to being elected President, served as US
Ambassador to France for five years (1785-1789), a tumultuous time for France,
and indeed for the World. Although the Americans were determined to stay out of
the European wars, they did not remain aloof and unengaged in the Old
Continent’s intellectual and political developments. On the contrary, Jefferson’s
residence in Chaillot was a beehive of activity and a
central meeting place for leading European intellectuals. It was there that Koraes was often a dinner guest of the future President.
Adamantios Koraes
was a towering intellectual figure that played a key role along with Regas Pheraios and other patriots
of the Greek Diaspora in preparing the enslaved Greek nation for gaining its
independence from the Turks. Koraes, of Chios
parents, was trained as physician, but he moved to Paris
in 1788, where he established himself as a world renowned classical scholar,
editing and publishing many classical Greek texts. His commentaries on the
classics (Prolegomena) are still
highly valued. In Paris Koraes also became deeply
involved in the Enlightenment movement and closely observed the French
Koraes, like Jefferson,
believed that people enlightened by education could best govern themselves, and
that democracy was better than monarchy or any other system. He devoted his
energies to helping his countrymen gain their independence and democracy,
advocating establishing schools, libraries, and in every way possible elevating
their educational level. Like Jefferson, he admired the
achievements of the ancients, but he wanted their noble ideals of freedom and
democracy adapted to the realities and needs of modern states.
When the Greek War of Independence broke out in 1821 Koraes was too old to return and fight. Rather he
aggressively tried to gain support abroad for the “Greek Cause”. He wrote countless letters seeking moral,
political and material support for the Greeks. Koraes
mistrusted the European powers and especially England,
but he had great admiration for the establishment of the American
Republic, for he considered it the
best modern actualization of the ideals of democracy as first developed by the
Greeks. He advocated the adoption of a constitution in Greece
in line with the American Constitution. Furthermore, Koraes
had pointed to George Washington, Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin as role
models for the politicians of the Modern Greek state as it was starting on its
path to independence and nationhood.
Koraes wrote his first letter (in
French) to Thomas Jefferson in Monticello
in the summer of 1823. He reminded Jefferson of their
meetings in Paris, and also sent
along his newly edited volumes of Aristotle’s Nichomachean Ethics and The Politics,
for which Jefferson expressed appreciation in his
response. In his letter Koraes, highly vexed by the
bickering among the Greeks that was clearly having an adverse effect on the War
of Independence, wrote to Jefferson: “Modern Greece has produced many Leonidas and Miltiades, but, since
it came out of a long period of slavery, it was not possible to produce
law-givers like those that had appeared among Greece’s ancient citizens, or
like those that we have seen in our own times in your country”. Koraes proceeded to
seek from the illustrious and respected ex-President advice and political
support, and also suggested concrete steps that the American Government could
take on behalf of the struggling Greek nation.
Jefferson responded in the Fall of 1823 with a long letter of his own. “I pray that you
accept my thanks (for the books that Koraes had
sent). I had seen only your lives of Plutarch these I had read, and profited
much by your valuable Scholia, and the aid of a few words from a modern Greek Dictionary
would, I believe, have enabled me to read your patriotic addresses to your
countrymen”. It is interesting that Jefferson the scholar clearly recognized
the continuity of the Greek language.
Jefferson also spoke in that letter
to the central role of the classical ideals of Greek democracy as it influenced
the founding of the American Republic.
“… nothing is more likely to forward this objective
(self-government in the newly liberated Greece)
than a study of the fine models of science left them by their ancestors; to
whom we also are all indebted for the lights which originally led ourselves out
of Gothic darkness.”
Jefferson, after discussing in considerable length the
central ideas for the founding of the US (separation of powers, inherent rights
of all people, factors such as geography that make it necessary to adapt rather
than just adopt the ideas of the ancients) proceeded to focus on education,
emphasizing what was critical in the
primary schools in the USA, i.e., the
“public education… … to every infant of the state, male and female”; while in
the “intermediate schools… the elements of natural philosophy, and, as a
preparation for the university, the Greek and Latin languages”.
Jefferson then proceeded to show his philhellenic
sentiments: “No people sympathise more feelingly than
ours with the sufferings of your countrymen, none more sincere and ardent
prayers to heaven for their success: and nothing indeed but the fundamental
principle of our government, never to entangle us with the broils of Europe,
could restrain our generous youth from taking some part in this holy cause.
Possessing ourselves the combined blessings of liberty and order, we wish the
same to other countries, and to none more than yours, which, the first of
civilized nations, presented examples of what man should be not indeed that the
forms of government, adapted to their age and country are practicable, or to be
imitated in our day; although prejudices in their favor would be natural enough
in your people.”
And Jefferson concluded in very
moving terms: “I have thus, dear sir, according to your request, given you some
thoughts, on the subject of national government. They are the result of the
observations and reflections of an Octogenary who has
past fifty years of trial and trouble in the various grades of his country’s
service. They are yet but outlines which you will better fill up, and
accommodate to the habits and circumstances of your countrymen. Should they
furnish a single idea which may be useful to them, I shall fancy it a tribute
rendered to the Manes of your Homer, your Demosthenes, and the splendid
constellation of sages and Heroes, whose blood is still flowing in your veins,
and whose merits are still resting, as a heavy debt, on the shoulders of the
living and the future races of men. While we offer to heaven the warmest
supplications for the restoration of your countrymen to the freedom and science
of their ancestors, permit me to assure yourself of the cordial esteem and high
respect which I bear and cherish towards your self personally Th. Jefferson”
Koraes sought in subsequent
letters concrete steps in support of the Greek cause, not as charity, but
because it was both morally right and also beneficial to the American state.
What a difference, we may point out, with some of America’s
“closest present friends” who simply put out their hand only to receive!
Jefferson did not grant the requests
that Koraes had made for public political support and
the beginning of commercial relations by sending American trade representatives
to Greece. By this time Jefferson
was but an ex-President, and although still influential, his power was limited.
Yet Jefferson’s support was important, and the “Greek
Cause” was actively aided by great philhellenes including Edward Everett,
Samuel Gridley Howe, Daniel Webster and many others. Even President Monroe
expressed great sympathy for the Greeks, although he had to contend with his
Secretary of State John Quincy Adams’s real
politic and also with his own Monroe Doctrine, that
delimited American involvement in Europe.