August 23,1999 Published in: The National Herald, August 28-29,1999.


by Professor Michael C. Geokas


The appointment of Metropolitan Demetrios of Vresthena as the spiritual leader of 1.5 million Americans of Greek origin, constitutes an issue of enormous significance for them and for world Hellenism. This is a distinguished clergyman who knows America first hand and possesses an in depth understanding of the spiritual needs of the Greek Orthodox faithful and has a perfect grasp of the Academic issues involved in the high quality education of our Clergy in the United States. His ten years of Professorial teaching at the Holy Cross Seminary of Brookline Mass. and at the Harvard University's Divinity School, where he had earned his Doctorate in New Testament studies, will make him the first veritable Academic Theologian to be appointed as our Archbishop. This will be in effect, "Brain Power," in the service of the Greek-Orthodox Church in America..

I was privileged to meet the new Archbishop for the first time in Oakland California, (then a Metropolitan) in an atmosphere of crisis, on the occasion of his visit with the Exarchia. He was the last to speak, during that tumultuous meeting and his remarks were magnificently impressive and to the point and were commensurate with his reputation, as a highly educated and savvy intellectual clergyman, who is in addition, a master in human relations. In this and in all my subsequent contacts with him, I have found the new Archbishop to be, an articulate and succinct conversant, both in the Greek and English languages and an extremely considerate and scholarly individual who I believe, fits perfectly well into a composite, inspirational, objective thinker and persuader, personality pattern. In short, this man is blessed with an organized mind, with splendid communication skills and an extraordinary resourcefulness to boot. Furthermore, he is a very good listener indeed and I suspect that he is also adroit in working with and through people and has profound ability for, critical thinking, analytical work, and for problem solving, by eliciting the cooperation and good will of many individuals around him.

Frankly speaking, the Greek-American Community, as well as world Hellenism, do need this scholarly Archbishop (with his impeccable academic credentials, his profound spirituality and his known dedication in serving the faithful), like Sahara desert needs the rain. This man of vision, of crystalline judgement, of keen intellectual power and of ecumenical views, will be for us a outstanding spiritual leader, who will vigorously pursue the required healing process and the urgently needed revival of our Community in America, and in addition, will reliably provide his sophisticated input, on urgent matters of concern to Hellenism.

Some, but not all of the issues, that will need the attention and leadership of the new Archbishop are the following:

  1. Early strong reassurances and expression of support to the faithful and the clergy alike with an optimistic message which should resonate within all Greek Orthodox Churches in America.
  2. Revision of the clerical, administrative and advisory sections of the Archdiocese with recruiting of new high quality professionals. (New programs cannot be implemented with an old crew).
  3. Comprehensive review of financial status and accounting practices with establishment of strict monitoring safeguards and clear accountability.
  4. Appointment of a number of task-forces comprising Clergymen, Academic, Management and Legal experts for the development of Blue-Prints of action in such areas as:
  1. The Holy Cross School of Theology which the new Archbishop has very close to his heart.
  2. The establishment of an ultramodern administrative network between the Archdiocese and the Metropolitans and Bishops in America with direct access to all Greek Orthodox Churches and Cathedrals. A central Computer Unit at the Archdiocese and Computer and FAX facilities at all parishes should be indispensable.
  3. The establishment of a wide ranging program of Education of the Greek-American youth in Language, Religion, Culture and Heritage, in parishes all across America.
  4. Development of a sophisticated blueprint of action concerning the issue of intermarriages in the Greek-American Community, based on the existing extensive literature on the subject.
  5. Development of a comprehensive program for Continuing Postgraduate Education for the Greek-Orthodox Clergy, with University studies leading to M.Sc., and Doctoral Degrees and with Sabbaticals for special studies, valuable courses and training fellowships.
  6. Substantial improvements in our Churches and Cathedrals, as related to quality of Music and especially of the Sermons, and their quick transformation to friendly and inclusive institutions for all of our people, with resultant significant expansion of the numbers of paying parishioners. Frankly, it would appear that our Church has failed to attract a large part of our intelligentsia such as the high power Professionals and Academics. This issue should be quickly rectified.
  7. The establishment of clear rules concerning meetings, lectures, conferences and seminars in the premises of our Churches and Cathedrals on topics pertaining to Ethnic matters of concern to Hellenism. There have been serious complaints on this issue and it should be resolved soon.
  1. Finally, a concerted effort should be made to develop and maintain a warm and vibrant interface between the Greek-Orthodox Church in America and the Church of Greece, including the superb Schools of Theology there. I am sure that our highly intellectual new Archbishop, will implement a new splendid era in Church affairs which will be appropriate for the new Century and the new Millennium, which are just around the corner.


Michael C Geokas, M.D.,M.Sc.,Ph.D.

(Em) Professor of Medicine and Biological

Chemistry, UC, Davis School of Medicine



A THINK-TANK, on Issues of Hellenism