by Professors M.C. Geokas and A.T. Papathanasis
"Second and third generation Greek-American youths, smithereens in the wind in a strange land?
Second and third generation Greek-American youths, remnants of a here today and gone tomorrow, glorious heritage? The lyrics of this little song, hit like nails in the heart of hearts and in the bone marrow as well, of those, who can comprehend their real meaning. These lyrics bring a lump to the throat and a bit of tremor to the jaw. The song "Us the Greeks" from the tape "The Greek-Americans," reverberates like the hammer, when it sharply hits the anvil. It does not actually matter that this little song, will never be awarded the Nobel Price. Nevertheless, it makes you wonder about an intriguing paradox, that ravages with tyrannical persistence the Greek-American Community, from coast to coast of our vast nation. Inescapably, due to the needs of our ultramodern society, we have to live spread out, within all 50 States of the Union, but unfortunately, without an effective organization and close communication, despite the technology revolution and despite the unpleasant fact that we are now amenable to a certain and relentless assimilation and the assured loss of our precious culture and heritage. Why is the heritage of Greek-Americans so precious? Why it should not be lost? What should be done, in order to reduce the rate of assimilation, the steady erosion and disappearance of our precious heritage? This is where the Think-Tank comes in.
It constitutes, an irrefutable historical event, that 2,500 years ago our magnificent ancestors developed a famous civilization, which has been a wonder through the centuries, with countless masterpieces of art, of poetry, literature, and of scientific and political experience and practice. Today, at the start of the 21st Century, it has been accepted as an indisputable fact, that the entire Western Civilization is based on the achievements of the Greeks. Furthermore, the first constitution in human history was drafted during the last 10 years of 500 BC in the City State of Athens. This new kind of Government was improved into its classical form, 50 years later by Pericles of Athens and represents the greatest achievement of Hellenism. This is today the system of Government for every modern society on earth. A recent powerful report from Freedom House, a nonpartisan group that monitors political and civil rights around the globe, has chronicled the remarkable rise of Democracy in the 20th Century. This report has shown that the most spectacular event in the 20th Century, was not the creation of the computer or the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was the establishment of Democracy in 62% of the 192 independent nations, representing 58.2% of the world's population. Thus, about 3.5 billion people or six in ten, live today under democratic rule. In 1950 only 22 nations had real Democracy and about 100 lands became democratic in the last 50 years.
Following 70 years of despotic rule the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact countries resolved precipitously, like snow in the sun, due to the lack of democratic rule. The new Greek nation, on the other hand, which started in 1830 after the quick war of liberation from the Turks, has maintained a democratic rule for 140 out of 169 years of its existence. The Freedom House report concludes that the 20th is in effect the Century of Democracy. We shall provide here one more striking example, which demonstrates the peerless cultural heritage of Hellenism, which has been obtained, not from a Greek source, but instead, from the work of a scientific genius, the internationally known Professor of Classical Studies Donald Kagan of Yale University. In his famous book entitled "Pericles of Athens and the Birth of Democracy" Professor Kagan describes (to give you gooseflesh, just the same, if you are of Greek or non-Greek ancestry): that the History of the Peloponnecian War, of Thucydides, is more influential today than at any time since it was written! The contemporary political scientists develop their theories concerning international relations by taking into consideration the work of this giant Greek historian. At their international meeting Historians and Political Scientists have continued to discuss the Athenians and Spartans and to deliberate on the relevance of their antagonism to current events. There is no University level series of lectures today concerning international relations and the history of war, says Professor Kagan, which can easily ignore the Peloponnecian War of Thukydides. This topic is also indispensable in the curriculum of all military academies and of the School of Government at Harvard University. Finally, when distinguished American Officers of high rank, have been selected to attend the Naval War College in Newport Rhode Island, which represents a highly desirable step for flag officers, they are immediately given a copy of Thukydides on the Peloponnecian War, which is actually the first topic in the course entitled "Strategy and Policy."
The key question that arises for the Omogenia is this: what happened to us, the Greek-Americans? Why are our young in danger of becoming smithereens in the wind, as related to our culture, language and heritage, with only a symbolic contact with our Church and an astronomical rate of mixed marriages, which accelerates their assimilation within the multiracial American Society? As Greek-American academicians with years of study and research on this issue we intend to tell it as it is, and make it crystal clear once and for all: We are in grave danger of becoming smithereens in the wind, because we do not have our own Educational Centers and the focused learning resources, to keep us mentally and psychologically connected, in heart and mind. Our powerful heritage and precious culture, have become atrophic or have dissipated altogether for many members of our Community. Even the grand army of Philhellenes have shown a stronger enthusiasm and appreciation for our culture. Due to their deep knowledge and profound study, these intellectuals, together with a multitude of others, do indeed appreciate very deeply the inestimable value of our heritage.
Precious recent examples of extraordinary Philhellenes are: the noted Professor Victor Davis Hanson who wrote the magnificent books: Who Killed Homer and The Soul of Battle, related to the gradual disappearance of classical education in America and the famous strategic concept of Epaminondas of Thebes, respectively. Another example of course is the distinguished Professor Mary Lefkovitz, the author of the magnificent book, Not Out of Africa. Paradoxically, our Omogenia has failed through the years, to develop the necessary high power Educational Centers which are capable of rekindling, expanding and rejuvenating Hellenism in America.
The American Jews, also smithereens in the wind, have understood many decades ago, that their future and long term survival, as an Ethnic Minority and Religion in America (a country they call their promised land) will be totally dependent on the Jewish Educational Centers for Study and Research. This is why they build Brandeis University about 50 years ago (for the explicit purpose of making it the Harvard of the Jews in America) and also Yeshiva University, the Jewish Theological Seminary and others. However, the American Jews achieved quickly such a spectacular and dramatic academic success in the United States, that in effect Brandeis never became the Harvard of the Jews, because Harvard itself became theirs, together with Yale, Brown, Columbia and many other elite Universities.
This is how the American Jews, who comprise only 2% of the population, became finally the academic establishment in America, with a 20% share of the Student and Faculty bodies at many elite American Universities. Nevertheless, everything started with the powerful Brandeis. This is why the American Jews were able to completely dominate in the Medical and Law Schools, and in a large number of different disciplines such as Sociology, Political and Economic Sciences, History, Journalism, Management and others and they eventually dominated in Hollywood, the daily Press, weekly and monthly Periodicals, TV, Ambassadorial positions in foreign countries, the White House, the Government of the United States, the Wall Street and Banking System in America, the Research Centers and the Think-Tanks. All these posts influence very strongly the public opinion, the domestic as well as foreign policy, as well as the election of members of Congress. They have 10 Senators and 24 members of the House of Representatives, two Supreme Court Justices and the Chair of the Federal Reserve Board. In addition, they have developed powerful Organizations for promoting their interests and those of Israel. The great achievements of the American Jews are due to, their generosity, strong organizing capabilities, and the enormous emphasis and respect they maintain for, academic achievement and education, the sciences, literature and the arts, with resultant large number of their scientists winning Nobel Prizes. The first American woman to win the Nobel Prize (1977) was the Jewish, Rosalyn S. Yalow, whom the New York Times hailed as "the Madam Curie from the Bronx." With a degree in Nuclear Physics, Dr. Yalow was influential in the Scientific Career of one of us (Professor Geokas). A veritable genius, friendly, simple and down to earth, she never became inaccessible..
Thus, the American Jews have succeeded fantastically in America, due to strong organization, hard work, and high intelligence, with the winning combination of Brain and Financial Power and with their legendary support for each other. Characteristically, when one American Jew is appointed into an important position of an organization, he quickly invites other Jews to join him. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to realize the role of their shrewdness, intelligence, and their known generosity, for the veritable triumph of American Jews in the United States, as compared to the sporadic and comparatively modest successes of Greek-Americans. The fact that the American Jews are six (6) million and we are only 1.5 million, is not actually an adequate or an effective excuse for the discrepancy, concerning success, between American Jews and Greek-Americans in the United States.
We, are not only poorly organized, but we do not appreciate our own intelligentsia because we do not understand its worth, within our scientific society. Moreover, our support for each other is very poor, the jealousy among us is legendary (if jealousy could get scabies, the whole country would get it), we are literally obsessed for showing off and for having our picture taken in the company of officials, we habitually and by design confer awards and distinctions only to fellow Greek-Americans (as payback for favors-or to show mutual adulation, by blowing incense to each other, otherwise known as allilolivanisma), instead of honoring prominent Philhellenes who support the vital issues of Hellenism. Furthermore, we are possessed by an overwhelming desire to become Presidents of Greek-American Organizations (archomania) despite the lack of time, of appropriate credentials or of leadership qualities for productive and valuable work. Very frequently, some of us are actually taking advantage of ethnic issues for personal gain, a habit which for American Jews, is anathema.
Some other significant differences with the American Jews are the following: whereas the general educational level within Omogenia is quite high, with thousands of very good doctors, attorneys, engineers, dentists, executives and others, most Greek-Americans embark in the professions clearly for the purpose of making a good living and do not pursue academic professional lines for teaching and research. This explains convincingly why the Greek-Americans are plagued by a serious lack of influence in many vital sections in American society, in sharp contrast to the triumphant American Jews, who enjoy almost absolute monopoly in multiple crucial areas. However, we wish to emphatically point out, that despite the superb organization, the wealth, and the enormous influence of the American Jews, they too suffer, from a low fertility rate (1.6, which is below the replacement level of 2.1), the mixed marriages (52%), the relative lack of interest in Judaism and the gradual, but steady assimilation. Unfortunately however, the situation for Greek-Americans is comparatively much worse, due to the astronomical intermarriage rate (80-90%) and the almost total lack of programs for conversion to Orthodoxy and to elements of our culture, to include the spouses of mixed marriages. In sharp contrast, the Jews already have 250,000 spouses of mixed marriages who have willingly converted to Judaism (more power to them). We should swallow our pride and should start to imitate their programs!
Another important and rather dramatic contrast for Omogenia is the triumph of the extensive educational activities of the Catholic Church, with 230 Colleges and Universities and 9,000 middle schools in America. This fact eloquently explains the reasons why the American Catholics enjoy such an enormous prominence in everyday life, with profound visibility in society and why the Cardinals of New York, and of Chicago, and the Bishops and Archbishops in other cities have significant standing, as well as considerable political influence in America. We wish to emphasize that it is not only the superior number of Catholics, that explains these achievements and determines their legendary cohesion. Instead, it is the meticulous organization, generosity, persistence, sophistication, strong will and profound mutual support, that underlies their success.
Who are the people within the Omogenia, who are responsible for the glaring lack of Educational Institutions, an unfortunate fact, that makes us the poor cousins of the Catholics, and deprives us of any role in regard, to the most pivotal contemporary issues in American society? For this scandalous lack of Universities and Colleges the responsibility lies flatly on the entire Omogenia and the Greek-Orthodox Church, which persistently asserts its dominance on the social activities of the Greek-American Community, and before the arrival of the new Archbishop, had shown no interest on the Greek-American intelligentsia. The future of Omogenia and of our Church as well, will be very bleak indeed, in the absence of speedy and substantive changes and of hard and systematic efforts in our part. Frankly, without a sharp revival within the Omogenia, this great United States of America, the land of generosity, of freedom, tolerance and advancement, will become a splendid and truly majestic cemetery, for our Culture and Heritage. What needs to be done? In short, we should closely imitate the highly successful and omnipresent American Jews. Our Omogenia urgently needs the following:
1. A Supreme Coordinating Organization (SCO) to include the Presidents of Significant Greek-American Societies (similar to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations), with participation of the Church, of the Intelligentsia, the Professionals,
and the Wealthy, but without participation of individuals or Organizations with financial interests that are related in any way with the vital issues of Hellenism in America or abroad. This powerful coordinating body should develop quickly its own offices and infrastructure within key American cities and should proceed with the development of a Superfund, from donations and contributions of Member-Organizations and the financially robust people of Omogenia. The members of SCO, should choose democratically and without controversy the President and the Executive Committee of this independent Organization, for self-government and salvation of the Greek-American Community.
2. The SCO should proceed with the speedy development of three important Task-Forces:
a) A Task-Force of distinguished Greek-Americans, for work on ethnic Issues of concern to Hellenism, in relation to the Presidential elections and the elections for the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Task-Force should come into contact with the representatives of both main parties and should negotiate in advance, their support on the issues of Cyprus and the Aegean. An alliance and cooperation between 500,000 Armenian Americans and 150,000 Greek-Americans in California, would be of enormous value for the Presidential and Senatorial elections. The enterprising Chinese Americans have already started negotiations in advance this time, before they throw their financial support behind the Presidential candidates. We have found it fascinating indeed that out of 10 advisors on Foreign Affairs, for George W. Bush, five of them (you guessed it) are shrewd American Jews and there is not, one Greek-American. Furthermore, the Armenian-Americans are now sending one million postcards to the Presidential candidates with their picture in each postcard and with specific questions and clear demands. True to form, we have done nothing similar, concerning Cyprus and the Aegean.
b) A Task-Force of our Sociology Professors and other experts on Family dynamics, for a serious and comprehensive longitudinal study, concerning mixed marriages within Omogenia, with the purpose of developing sophisticated programs, aimed at improving the lot of non-Greek origin spouses and establishing the correct cultural upbringing of their Children, probably using as prototype, the proven excellent programs of the American Jews.
c) A Task-Force of distinguished University Professors, wealthy Business people, Politicians, Clergymen, Executives and others, with the purpose of establishing an Elite Greek-American University in America. This splendid undertaking will be of enormous benefit to the future of the Greek-American Community. Some wealthy Greek-Americans, the Hellenes of Europe and of Greece itself, might be persuaded to contribute, in support of an elite University, if the purpose and the fantastic benefits to Hellenism, were presented convincingly and in a sophisticated manner by members of the Task-Force. Moreover, whole buildings and Research Centers could be named after the big donors for the elite University. The development of an additional superfund from small as well as big donations, could eventually lead to a sizable endowment as well.
Today, at the beginning of the 21st Century Omogenia needs an elite University like Sahara desert needs the rain, because, it will transform into a nursery and an incubator for the new generations of Greek-American leaders and will foster in addition, the rapid development of powerful Research Institutes and of Think-Tanks, for studies leading to publications on issues of Hellenism. Furthermore, a powerful Institute of Democracy could be the Banner and Embodiment of the Greek-American Community, which despite its disorganization, it is considered to be the most crystalline, pure and unadulterated part of Hellenism in this planet.
In this promised land, called America, our Community has at its disposal all the necessary ingredients: The Financial Power, the topnotch Executives, the multitude of aspiring young students waiting in the wing, impatient and apprehensive for their careers, and last but not least, a galaxy of distinguished Professors (most of them from Greece) who are scattered at various American Universities, from sea to shiny sea. What is urgently needed now is, the will and the enthusiasm for a dynamic revival of the Greek-American Community, for the preservation of our precious culture and heritage, right here, in the heart of the United States.
CONCLUSION: Without a strong resurgence and without hard organizational activity, our Omogenia in America will dissipate with mathematical accuracy, during the next 25 years, within our huge multiracial society, and that way, 3,000 years of the famous Greek Culture and Heritage will be lost for ever, into the cenotaph of History.
Today, Hellenism finds itself under pressure within and outside America and the Greek-Americans, who live in the heart of this superpower, are disorganized, and they lack the sophisticated and sagacious Leadership they urgently need, at a time when, our young are in mortal danger of becoming smithereens in the wind and remnants, of a here today, and gone tomorrow, glorious heritage. The bitter truth is, that in sharp contrast to the American Jews, we are powerless and feeble. For those who might disagree, we offer the spectacular contrast between the recent negotiations in America for Cyprus and the Golan Heights. The negotiators for Cyprus, were literally locked up at the United Nations, with absolute secrecy and a complete embargo on information, with no leaks to the public whatsoever. The negotiations between Israel and Syria, on the other hand, were held largely at the White House, with fanfare, pictures in the Rose Garden, with President Clinton between Ehud Barak and the Syrian Foreign Minister Farouk Al-Shara, with extensive articles, colored pictures and comments in New York Times, the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and elsewhere and with TV appearances, to boot. They are now talking about a $16 to $80 billion price tag of taxpayer's money, for the withdrawal of Israel from the Golan Heights. This absolutely spectacular contrast, is due simply to the unmatched organizational and political power of the American Jews. As American citizens and taxpayers, we have found this astonishing event to be, an enormous as well as an unbearable and rude insult, against the entire Greek-American Community, and to the People of Greece and Cyprus. This is why we urgently need an Elite Greek-American University, and a Supreme Coordinating Body and we need in addition, very meticulous and draconian organization and a lot of hard work.
We appeal today, for an urgent mobilization, to all Presidents of Major Greek-American Organizations, to all members of the Greek-American Intelligentsia, the grand Army of Professionals, the Clergy and the Youth of Omogenia. Whereas, we organize expensive fiestas in Thessaloniki every two years, the Jews allocate $210,000,000 for sending 50,000 of their young per year, from High Schools and Colleges, for a 10 day intensive pilgrimage to Israel! If we fail to respond to this challenge, forcefully and directly and with steely will and determination , Hellenism in America, will dissipate little by little, like a fairy-tale, without a beginning and without an end, and that way, our good friends, nothing at all will be left, not even smithereens, for the wind to disperse...
Michael C. Geokas, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D.*
(Em) Professor of Medicine and
Biological Chemistry, UC, Davis School
of Medicine, Davis, CA.
Anastasios T. Papathanasis, Ph.D.**
Professor of Political Economy
Central Connecticut State University
New Britain, CT.
*/** They are President and Vice-President
respectively, of Demokritos Society of America
A Think-Tank on issues of Hellenism.